The table needed new cushions and new felt and some severe TLC but was sort of playable. After checking into what it would cost to bring it up to a "quality" playing level, I was very disappointed. I just couldn't see sinking several hundred more dollars into this table.
After discussing it with my wife, we decided to talk to a reputable dealer and get us a table of which we could be proud. I had looked at online retailers and checked out Rec Factory Warehouse but I really wanted to deal with someone who really knows pool tables and pool and who is local in case there were issues. Last Saturday (April 23, 2011), we went to R.G. Billiards in Hoover, AL to talk to Bob. We left the store the owners of a new pool table scheduled for delivery on the following Thursday.
I had listed the old table on Craigslist again and sold it that Saturday afternoon for a loss but it was out of the way and we could prep the space for the new table. On Monday, I talked to Bob and decided to switch the cloth to the Tournament Blue Simonis. He didn't have it in stock and had to order it but it made it in time for the Thursday installation.
The installer, Scott, called me around noon on Thursday to let me know he was on his way to do the install so I left work to be there. I wanted to watch him install it and apply the felt. I'm glad I didn't try to re-felt the old table myself because after watching him I'm sure I would have botched the job. LOL
Scott was very professional and didn't mind me asking questions and taking pictures. As he was attaching the rails and was almost done, I noticed a flaw in the rail felt on one of the corner pockets. Instead of trying to do a quick patch job to save time, he removed the rails repaired the felt properly and then reattached the rails. As I said, very professional.
My wife and I are very happy with our purchase. The old adage is true... "You get what you pay for".
Leveling the table
Stretching the felt
Slate felted before pockets are cut. *shiny*
Attaching the rails.
The finished product
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